현재 한양대학교 자연과학대학의 물리학과 교수로 재직 중인 홍진표 교수는 캘리포니아대학교 로스앤젤레스캠퍼스(University of California Los Angeles, UCLA)의 물리학과를 졸업하고, 동 대학에서 물리학 석사, 박사 학위를 취득하였다.
주요 연구 분야로는 binary oxide thin film을 이용한 nonvolatile memory device 연구, 차세대 디스플레이를 위한 비정질 산화물 반도체를 이용한 Thin Film Transistor 소자 개발, low dimensional nano -structure 연구 및 magnetic muli-layer를 이용한 spin dynamics연구로 국내외 학술지에 100 여편의 논문을 발표한 바 있다.
한국과학기술단체총연합회 과학기술우수논문상, Nano Korea 연구 혁신상등을 수상하였으며, 국제인명사전인 "Who`s Who"에 양자점 및 절연층에 관한 전문가로서 등록되었다. 국제표준규격을 정하는 International Electrotechnical Commission에서 초전도 기술위원회 위원으로 활동하였으며, 현재 한국진공학회 운영이사, 한국물리학회 반도체분과 위원으로 활동하고 있다.
- 1987, 캘리포니아대학교 로스앤젤레스캠퍼스, 물리학 학사
- 1988, 캘리포니아대학교 로스앤젤레스캠퍼스, 물리학 석사
- 1992, 캘리포니아대학교 로스앤젤레스캠퍼스, 물리학
- 1992-1998, 삼성종합기술원 project leader
- 1998-현재, 한양대학교, 물리학과 교수
- 2007-현재, 나노반도체공학과 교수
- 2008-2009, 한양대학교 물리학과 학과장
- 2009-현재, 한양대학교 산학협력단 부단장
- 2009-현재, 한양대학교 기술이전 및 창업보육센터장
binary oxide물질을 이용한 1TB 비휘발성 메모리소자 개발, 차세대 비휘발성 메모리 소자 응용을 위한 자성 물질 개발 및 특성 연구, low dimensional 반도체 및 산화물 nano-structure 연구, 비정질 산화물 반도체를 이용한 TFT소자 개발 연구
- 한국과학기술단체총연합회 과학기술우수논문상(2005)
- Nano Korea 연구 혁신상(2005)
- Who`s Who 등록-양자점 및 절연층(2005년)
- 한국물리학회: 반도체분과위원장, 2009-현재
- 한국진공학회: 운영이사, 2002-현재
- IEC TC 90총회: 기술위원회 위원
- Nano frame/Oxide material based devices are expected to provide a breakthrough in the electronics industry, which is focused on continuing miniaturization and ultra low power operation. In Particular, we have researched nanostructure devices which include Spintronic devices, Oxide thin film based devices, low-dimensional nanowires and Oxide transistor could overcome an origin limit of existing devices in next-generation applications.
- Spintronic devices
- High spin polarization materials (Half metallic materials)
- Ultra thin oxide tunneling barrier materials
- PMA multi-layer configuration for nano-scale Spin Torque Transport: doping process
- Novel PMA single layer for Tunneling Magneto Resistance Junction
- New seed layer architecture for low Jc/high Hc devices
- Efficient spin injection/transport/detection using novel spin channels - Oxide material-based TFT for efficient channel
- IGZO Co-sputtering &ZnO Sol gel fabrication process
- Doping/ Annealing process on ZnO-based host materials
- Intentional Oxygen ion or vacancy manipulation for high efficient channel
- Flexible substrate &Transparence, Low temperature growth of semiconductor oxide - Novel functional materials and device for Nonvolatile memory applications
- Nonvolatile ReRAM: Multi oxide layers
- Oxide material-based selection devices:npn or pnp configurations
- New binary and metal -doped oxide materials for resistive switching behaviors
- Oxide material based diode architecture - Nano oxide materials-based Energy harvesting &Lighting emitters
- Efficient growth of ZnO nanorods using CVD techniques
- Efficient energy harvesting using doped and low temperature process
- n/p-type energy harvesting materials: Doping process
- Polymer based piezoelectricity
- Tribo effect-based energy harvesting integrated with other physical functions
- Multi target RF sputtering &Remote RF oxidation plasma System
- Thermal CVD 2 (Linberg 3 Sectional)
- UV Irradiation Chamber
- Thermal annealing system
- Vacuum Annealing System with Magnetic Field
- Contact Mask Aligner
- Spin Coater
- Convection Oven / Vacuum Furnace
- 4-point probe station
- Surface Profiler : Dektak
- 4-probe C-V / I-V / Pulse Sequence Measurement System
- Cryogenic MR / C-V / I-V Measurement System
- High Resloution Optical Microscope
- Parameter Analyzer
대표적 연구성과
- p-Type Conduction Characteristics of Lithium-Doped ZnO Nanowires JunSeok Lee , SeungNam Cha , JongMin Kim , HyeWon Nam , SangHyo Lee , WonBae Ko , Kang L. Wang , JeaGun Park , and JinPyo Hong*Advanced Material, 23, 36, 4183-4187 (2011)
- Oxygen Ion Drift-Induced Complementary Resistive switching in homo TiOx-TiOy-TiOx and hetero TiOx-TiON-TiOx triple multilayer frameworks Yoon Cheol Bae , Ah Rahm Lee , Ja Bin Lee , Ja Hyun Koo , Kyung Cheol Kwon , Jea Gun Park , Hyun Sik Im , and Jin Pyo Hong* Advanced Functional Material, 22, 709–716 (2012)
- Oxygen ion drift-driven dual bipolar hysteresis curves in a single Pt/Ta2O5-x/TiOxNy frames, Ah Rahm Lee, Yoon Cheol Bae, Gwang Ho Baek, Je Bock Chung, Tae Sung Kang, Jong sun Lee, Jea Gun Park, Hyun Sik Im and Jin Pyo Hong* Applied Physics Letters 103, 183510 (2013)
- Multi-level resistive switching observations in asymmetric Pt/Ta2O5-2/TiOxNy/TiN/Ta2O5-x/Pt multilayer configurations Ah Rahm Lee, Yoon Cheol Bae, Gwang Ho Baek, Hyun Sik Im, and Jin Pyo Hong* Applied Physics Letters 103, 063505 (2013)
- Solution processed Ag-doped ZnO Nanowires grown on Flexible Polyester for Wearable Nanogenerator Applications SangHyo Lee, JunSeok Lee, WonBae Ko, SeungNam Cha, Junginn Sohn, Jongmin Kim, JaeGun Park, Youngjun Park and JinPyo Hong* Nanoscale, 5, 9609-9614 (2013)
- Thermally stable perpendicular magnetic anisotropy features of [Co/Pd]m multilayer matrix integrated with [CoO/Pd] bottom layer Jabin Lee, GwangGuk An, SeoungMo Yang, WooSeong, and Jin Pyo Hong* Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 022404
- Effect of core quantum-dot size on power-conversion-efficiency for silicon solar-cells implementing energy-down-shift using CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots Seung-Wook Baek,Jae-Hyoung Shim,a Hyun-Min Seung, Gon-Sub Lee, Jin-Pyo Hong, Kwang-Sup Leed and Jea-Gun Park. Nanoscale, (2014)
- Higly stable solution-processed ZnO thin Film Transistors prepared Via a simple Al evaporation Tae Sung Kang, Tae Yoon Kim, Gyu Min Lee, Hyun Chul Sohn, and Jin Pyo Hong* Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2 1390-1395 (2014)
- Revealing Al evaporation-assisted functions in solution-processed ZnO thin film transistors Tae Sung Kang, Tae Yoon Kim, Kap Soo Yoon, Joing Min Kim, Hyun SiKk Im, and Jin Pyo Hong* Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2, 10209-10216 (2014)
- Highly stable perpendicular magnetic anisotropies of CoFeB/MgO frames employing W buffer and capping layers Gwang-Guk An, Ja-Bin Lee, Seung-Mo Yang, Jae-Hong Kim,Woo-Seoung Chung, Jin-Pyo Hong* Acta Materialia, Jan. 30, 87, 259-265 (2015)
- Triboeelectric energy harvester based on wearable texitile plateforms employing various surface morphologies Sanghyo Lee, Wonbae Ko, Yujin Oh, Jongsun Lee, Gwangho Baek, Younhee Lee, Junginn Sohn, Seungnam Cha, Jongmin Kim, Jeagun Park, and Jin pyo Hong* Nano energy, Jan. 12, 410-418, (2015)