
[2023-2 콜로키움] 2023년 10월 04일 17:00, 노유신 교수 (건국대학교)
2023-10-06 15:45:55 조회수480

 On-Demand Hybrid-Integrated Photon Sources

  • 일 시 : 2023년 10월 04일 수요일 17:00

  • 연 사 : 노 유 신 교수 (건국대학교)

  • 장 소 : 자연과학관 B117호

  • HOST : 윤 재 웅 교수님

  • 초 록

Silicon (Si) photonics has been receiving substantial attention as an integration platform in photonics research, owing to the ability to manufacture low-cost, compact integrated circuits. However, realizing efficient and high-quality light sources remain a major challenge. In this talk, I briefly discuss the recent progress of the photonic integration technologies and report on new developments of on-demand, align-transferrable micro-transfer-printing including several micro-manipulation techniques which are useful for addressing key challenges in photonic integration. First, we report on-chip transferrable low-threshold microdisk lasers by utilizing the microstructured polymer-assisted transfer-printing technique. In this work, we designed and fabricated an adhesive PDMS microtip and utilized it to micro-transfer-print single microdisk onto a small Si-post structure [1] and successfully operate rich lasing actions and couple the laser emission to a Si waveguide. Second, we also report on an all-graphene-contact approach to introduce the transparent and flexible electrical contacts to a vertically p-i-n doped active semiconductor nanostructure and to operate it by pulsed current injection [2,3]. Finally, we report on a recent result of an on-demand minimal gain-printed continuous-wave nanolaser-on-silicon at room temperature. The method and techniques in this talk can be very useful to facilitate light source integration in Si photonics and further help to realize high-density ultracompact photonic integrated circuits.

[1] S.-W. Park et al., “On-Chip Transferrable Microdisk Lasers”, ACS Photon. 7, 3313-3320 (2020).

[2] M.-W. Kim et al., “All-Graphene-Contact Electrically Pumped On-Demand Transferrable Nanowire Source”, Nano Lett. 22, 1316-1323 (2022).

[3] B.-J. Min et al., “Electrically driven on-chip transferrable micro-LEDs” Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 21107 (2022).


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