
[2024-1 콜로키움] 2024년 03월 20일 17:00, 심흥선 교수 (KAIST)
2024-04-11 14:29:21 조회수499

  Anyon fractional statistics

  • 일 시 : 2024년 03월 20일 수요일 17:00

  • 연 사 : 심 흥 선 교수 (KAIST)

  • 장 소 : 자연과학관 B117호

  • HOST : 천 상 모 교수님

  • 초 록

   Anyons are quasiparticles in two dimensions. They do not belong to the two classes of elementary particles, bosons and fermions. Instead, they obey Abelian or non-Abelian fractional braiding statistics. There are now two sorts of experimental evidences [1-3] of braiding of Abelian anyons in the fractional quantum Hall regime at 1/3 filling. The underlying mechanism of one of the two is the time-domain braiding of anyons that has been introduced and developed by my group [3-6]. I will give brief introduction to anyons, and talk about the theory, experimental evidences, and perspective of the time-domain braiding of anyons.

[1] H. Bartolomei et al., Science 368, 173 (2020).

[2] J. Nakamura, S. Liang, G. C. Gardner, and M. J. Manfra, Nat. Phys. 16, 931 (2020).

[3] J.-Y. M. Lee, C. Hong, T. Alkalay, N. Schiller, V. Umansky, M. Heiblum, Y. Oreg, and H.-S. Sim, Nature 617, 277 (2023).

[4] C. Han et al., Nature Communications 7, 11131 (2016).

[5] B. Lee, C. Han, and H.-S. Sim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 016803 (2019).

[6] J.-Y. M. Lee and H.-S. Sim, Nature Communications 13, 6660 (2022).


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