
[2021-1 BK세미나시리즈] 2021년 04월 20일 16:00, 옥종목 교수 (부산대학교 물리교육과)
2021-04-13 13:34:00 조회수707

 Correlated topological phases in strongly correlated heterostructures

  • 일 시 : 2021년 04월 20일 화요일 16:00

  • 연 사 : 옥 종 목 교수 (부산대학교 물리교육과)

  • 장 소 : 온라인 진행 ( https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89235295426 , 줌회의 ID: 892 3529 5426 )

  • HOST : 문 순 재 교수님

  • 초 록

 “Strong correlation,” represented by unconventional superconductors, and “Topology,” which has started from the quantum Hall effects and developed into topological insulators, have been recognized as two most important areas in condensed matter physics for the past 50 years. Recently, two areas have begun to merge, creating new concepts such as correlated topological materials. Understanding these materials is a fundamental task to realize the future technologies including quantum computing. The most important question is how correlated electrons are affected by topology and what phenomena can emerge from their interactions. From this point of view, I aspire to find correlated materials which have topological characteristics. In this talk, I will introduce potential correlated topological phases and related phenomena found in strongly correlated heterostructures.


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