
[2021-1 BK세미나시리즈] 2021년 04월 27일 16:00, 안종열 교수 (성균관대학교 물리학과)
2021-04-21 16:22:06 조회수615

  Dirac electrons in a dodecagonal graphene quasicrystal

  • 일 시 : 2021년 04월 27일 화요일 16:00

  • 연 사 : 안 종 열 교수 (성균관대학교 물리학과)

  • 장 소 : 온라인 진행 ( https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89235295426 , 줌회의 ID: 892 3529 5426 )

  • HOST : 김 재 용 교수님

  • 초 록

 Quantum states of quasiparticles in solids are dictated by symmetry. Thus, a discovery of unconventional symmetry can provide a new opportunity to reach a novel quantum state. Recently, Dirac and Weyl electrons have been observed in crystals with discrete translational symmetry. Here we experimentally demonstrate Dirac electrons in a two-dimensional quasicrystal without translational symmetry. A dodecagonal quasicrystal was realized by epitaxial growth of twisted bilayer graphene rotated exactly 30°. The graphene quasicrystal was grown up to a millimeter scale on SiC(0001) surface while maintaining the single rotation angle over an entire sample and was successfully isolated from a substrate, demonstrating its structural and chemical stability under ambient conditions. Multiple Dirac cone replicated with the 12-fold rotational symmetry were observed in angle resolved photoemission spectra, showing its unique electronic structures with anomalous strong interlayer coupling with quasi-periodicity. Our study provides a new way to explore physical properties of relativistic fermions with controllable quasicrystalline orders.


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