
[2021-1 BK세미나시리즈] 2021년 08월 05일 16:00, 윤정기 박사 (KIAS APCTP)
2021-08-09 15:20:10 조회수602

  Quantum Monte Calro Simulation of SYK Model

  • 일 시 : 2021년 08월 05일 목요일 16:00

  • 연 사 : 윤정기 박사 (KIAS APCTP)

  • 장 소 : 온라인 진행 ( 줌 회의ID: 824 0501 5273, 암호: 949460)

  • HOST : 신 상 진 교수님

  • 초 록

  The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model has been spotlighted last 5 years because of the maximal chaos and the duality to two-dimensional gravity as well as its solvability at strong coupling limit. Also, there has been many variants of the SYK model, and they are applied to many interesting phenomena such as phase transition and complexity. In this talk, I briefly review the SYK model, and I introduce a new model which does not have sign-problem for the Monte Carlo simulation. 


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