국내외 학술활동

[성과발표회] 2021-1 BK FOUR 교육연구팀 2차년도 성과발표회 행사사진 2
2021-08-02 16:39:59 조회수441

14 : 45 - 14 : 55  육태원 (Topological Material in Holography)

06. 육태원

14 : 55 - 15 : 05  서형찬 (Development of Vibrational Nanoscopy and Its Applications)

07. 서형찬

15 : 05 - 15 : 15  왕총즈어 (Effect of hole doping on superconductivity in compressed CeH9 at high pressures)

08. 왕총즈어

15 : 15 - 15 : 25  최진형 (Dynamics of topological objects)

09. 최진형

15 : 25 - 15 : 35  현다슬 (Exploring advancing bipolar resistive switching behaviors in oxygenated carbon oxides via ultarthin Cu insertion layer)

10. 현다슬

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