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[단기연수] 220717 - 220721 ISPSA 2022 1
2023-01-25 15:26:41 조회수347

1. 연수기간 : 2022. 07. 17 ~ 2022. 07. 21 (총 4박 5일) 

2. 연수국가 : Jeju, Korea

3. 연수기관명 :  KPS (The Korean Physical Society)

4. 연수자 : 석박사통합과정 5기 참여대학원생 1명 

5. 연수주제 : Enhanced Physical Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Passivating the Surface Defects of Substrate

The optical and electrical properties of 2D materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are sensitive to the surface defects of the substrate. Silicon dioxide, a widely used dielectric substrate, has a charge puddle inducing the inhomogeneity to 2D materials. Thus, the high quality of dielectric materials such as h-BN or Al2O3 has been applied for homogeneous and enhanced properties. The S10, one of Perfluorinated Polyether (PFPE), is commercially used as a coating material. It can passivate the surface charge puddle and also provide a weak p doping effect due to fluorine atoms of S10. Here we report a facile way of passivation for surface charge puddle at SiO2 substrate. The effect of surface passivation and p doping were confirmed by photoluminescence (PL) mapping of TMDs. TMDs on S10 coated area enhanced (six times in the case of MoS2) homogeneous PL intensity. 

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